Today is the day

Celebrate- Today is the day He has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Anyday in school can be so taxing. Today we barely faced challenges, but I reviewed mine. Why brood over it? Once James asked us to think about one thing we struggle with. I struggle with facing problems, because I brood over them. Another time we realise we pray, others moan. I do have solutions in God, I know to pray.

There really is no reason in denying God, denying Love, in its true sense. It is all so real, so true, so evident, we live by God’s plan today-why do some humans just seek to force a falseness from what they live by. Why try their hardest to pull away from God’s love? And to produce partial facts from the truth, to gain acceptance- where they could find it so near, in God.

Faith is not a joke. What comes out of it is impossibility, as human name it. God’s people want to find it within themselves.
It angers me all the unreasonable information the school tries to feed us with.

How false can anyone let it be? We’re living in God’s timing already. It says Before Christ and After Death/Anno Domini, not Caveman Times, or Unarchived and Archived, and not ever, Ape and Man. Shouldn’t people accept it while they make use of such abbrieviations, in account to times they live in? For God’s sake, and For Christ’s sake- people misuse these, but they never see how they mean literally- in the name of God. So they believe in the power of these words, because they use it in exasperation.

Anyhow, judgement.
I tried to figure out judgement, because I find myself so conscious about what people discuss. I know ultimately God’s judgement only matters, but being a salt and light is one other thing that matters as much. People pass judgment almost too quickly, and whatever their eyes feed, they take it in, and there’s an imprint. Its so difficult to take it away from them, or to alter it, correct it. I want an impression of God’s people to be right. It will take so much effort, and so much more faith.

This is the sign of the Covenant

Before my acknowledging God I used to think, Funny how each day ends up balanced. Things might have gone wrong, but God reminds you, that ‘I’m always with you’ and He shows you a miracle. Today I figured that out. For a tiring and stressful day God showed me once again the wonders He could make.

I failed Chemistry. (I studied.)
I got 1/30 for Financial Lit, though not depressing, the highest was barely 12.
I accepted the fact that I would have to present ‘in an isolated room’, as Felise puts it. (MUN slaughters me.)
I found myself so tired-I had never (who would?) dozed off in a movie.
Valkyrie takes intelligence.

And while I rushed home dreadfully, God gave me the biggest, most beautiful Rainbow ever- ever in Singapore. Nonetheless it was such a beauty. If not for my loose shoelaces I wouldn’t have stopped, if not for the slush I would not have bothered to tie them again. God made sure I looked at it and realise its beauty. First time I had merely a glance, and I hurried on. And I walkedskippedhopped, I almost stumbled. That was a rainbow! I thought I’d lose it already. Nearing home God put the rainbow in front of me. Such beauty that come from grace, that come from Love. It was so huge, almost bigger than a semicircle.

Too many wonders from God. (I met a snail too, and a crushed mango. They looked almost perfect, I suppose God had put them there.) Am constantly reminded, ‘I am always with you Yiping, Depend on Me, Rely on Me!’ What am I to sigh and whine, or groan like I have no solution, no cover? I have God to depend on, didn’t I remember?

12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” 17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”

Salt and Light

Oh man. I was always aware, but  I never considered so heavily how not changing my ways at home would come into danger sometime. Rather, sometime so soon. God ambushed me with a warning. I need to be a salt and light, sword and light! Whichever, (OH MAN) now guilt is living with me I can’t retrieve/reverse my impact from my actions(!). Its done so/too much damage.

Oh God, I think I’m in some kind of a trap I set for myself. I haven’t been doing God proud have I. I might be unable to climb out of this trap,-but surely I can dig myself a way out? ):

God please work on my bro D: (Tell him I’m still trying?) Oh mann. In the meantime I think I should really work(hard) on my salt and light skills.

On a lighter and (a lot more) positive note, TIME is reaching out in Faith, Praise GOD! Its cover says HOW FAITH CAN HEAL. Faith really does heal! God is working TIME. TIME is like a global magazine! I’ll see their faces when the class gets their copy next week. Probably someone serves God behind this thing.

Must be a salt and light!

Mooving On

I’m feeling nerves. The year is not going any slower, in fact it feels like time has doubled last year’s. Its the tenth day- Pastor Shirley says to make good use of the remaining 355, and for each day, “Have you Starbucked with God?” Well there’s school, so I might ‘canteen’ with God. Funny.

And because these three hundreds of days might zoom past me before I can clearly see its face features, I fear I cannot use it well- and on day 365 we’re challenged to look back and praise “its my best year with God.” I fear not pleasing God.

I thank God for Tzelin as shepherd now, though I’d miss them dearly. One day I’d reflect on how they shaped me each, and if I had bad humour, well. In any case it was still nerves, restructuring. It takes effort from everybody, and a wholesome of courage. And each time I’m grazing on a somewhat greener patch of grass, and each time I’d be ruminating on tastier greens, because God’s word comes to better sense. I’m gonna hunger-chew-ruminate hunger-chew-ruminate. I’m gonna hold on to my shepherd’s staff and get back on my feet before I suffocate. At times.

Praise God He makes me crave for Him som much more now, school’s like a hindrance. Not that it takes away God too much, but just being able to see fellowship again makes me take them as panadol. Or a drug. I suppose I’ll need daily dosages. Caregroup yesterday suddenly felt like a relief. (Easta5 Looking too forward to see you at school.)


Gosh it started from Lifehouse! And I’d thought it was an original drama, its kinda amazing watching the different takes of this one skit.

First Friday

I haven’t got to farewell the year properly, but hello 09. Its another chance for me to adjust and readjust and make my time a real investment. Anyway thank God, now I’m having all these new- New house, new start, new school, new environment, new purpose, new…(D: oh well. I saw it coming.)

So I’ll embrace it, and I will resolve to make every step to God pleasing. And as always I was brooding over it and kept it tumbling over in my mind like laundry, God put this in my mind: If it is God’s plan, so be it. It will no doubt be hard but I’ll just have to put in more effort, and follow God’s guidance.

08 God gave me so many more loved ones, and gave myself an impulse. This impulse I’ll never regret to go on. I remembered being on my way to the faraway Clementi, and telling Felise that I wouldn’t be able to convert for my dad’s sake. Well I did impulsively and achieved myself a new label- I’m a Christian.

God made me feel Love from Him, God made me develop a skill called Love; I must put it to good use. First I must love 2009 for God trusted it upon me to do better. Am sorry already, I welcomed this year with a rather negative and heavy heart. Apparently this morning I arrived at school ready to whine whine groan whine about everything about school, but God opened my eyes. A brand new campus I could work on.

The feel of being oldest (Junior High) should get to us soon. Today we might feel puny (because the alumni were still showing up at school), but soon firstyear girls would craze over guys our level, and sooner the homework will bug us bug us bug and remind us its our fourth year already. (I’ll have to speak to a junior soon this urge is going around me all day.)

Thank God to bring us back to campus so soon. I have to go back to loving school, haven’t I? I have a purpose for school this time!(:

I meant the Love

I do really!
Cards I’ve personally made and written for all 22 people I love (though there are more others), I meant every word I wrote, I kinda hoped I could have plucked up the courage and thick-skinny to read to everyone, but um.

I didn’t want them to feel like a bulk production, cos the display did result from time-constraint and working-with-bulk constraint. If there was a keyword search on those, (and I’m guilty for the limit) I repeated loads; ‘love’, ‘care’ and oh-its-so-great-to-know-you catchphrases. But I truly meant every word of it. It was great and more than great to know- Shiting Kim Karen Rochelle Cheryl Raphael Ruixian Joanne Tifen(!) Yinling Chialing LiYin James Melvin Louis Louis ChengWei LiLin Joel JasmineLoh Celeste Serene(I could’ve done for more!). Because the whole people were actually having me showered with love and care, well. I thanked God He blessed me with a family for Him.


Bible In A Minute – barats and bereta

Be amused, and have a good laugh 😀

Happy Birthday, Love

How’s that? The essay was my take for the drama presented on Christmas service. Simply wonderful. I really wanted to keep it in mind forever, it seemed the most apt to portray our finding the perfect answer in God. It portrayed God’s Love, it portrayed our denial, but we have to reach back to God. I managed to remember snippets of it, so I put it down.

I am so thankful for the most meaningful, most perfect Christmas I have ever spent. I spent it with those who found God and Loved God. I spent it spreading God’s love and joy. I felt the pull- God’s pull closer to the unit. I knew people. I jumped in excitement when playing games. I sang with passion. I dared do any silly actions while carolling. And For the first time I received all the letters and postcards that showed and touched me the effort and love and care, and time put in, I could not wait more to read them than to look at the presents. And it made me recount, how much all the cards I have tried written would mean to others. If what they penned down mattered to me, I must put good love across which I really mean. And this time I’ll put my heart into gifting because they’re for people I love.

Thank God for putting these people into my life. We barely knew one another, but God made us so close like we all had grown up together under God.

I can never forget this first best Christmas(:
Happy Birthday, Love.

God the Greatest Gift

The Child of God sees God, and
Comes to know God, and finds Life.
When she wants an apple from the tree, and
She reaches for it, God picks the apple,
Gives it to her.
She finds love from man,
The man and false love pull her
Away from God, and she forgets God.
God is really hurt, and desperate to call her back.
She finds joy from others, they
Teach her joy from sniffing glue.
Those and false joy pull her
Away from God, and she forgets God.
God is really hurt, and desperate to save her.
She finds satisfaction from another, and
She injures herself, while
She forces material from her stomach.
That and false satisfaction pull her
Away from God, and she forgets God.
God is really hurt, and desperate to help her.
She finds solution from again, an unsaved, and
She slits the blade through her delicate skin.
She finds no solution, and
God hurts deeply even, but
God welcomes her, as she
Runs back to her Father’s arms.
Try as they might, they
Reached and they called, they
Prompted and they lured.
She remained safe, For
God is Strong.